dblumerleaps@gmail.com 715.642.0635

Amnicon-Dowling Lake Management District

Oakland, WI 54880

Summit, WI 54880


Amnicon Lake Strategic Plan

Dowling Lake Comprehensive Lake Management Plan



Dowling Lake Septic Survey

This survey was meant to collect information needed to determine the approximate amount of phosphorus and nitrogen that enters Dowling Lake from residential septic systems. This information was being collected as part of the lake planning project which aims to determine from where the sources of nutrients within Dowling Lake originate. This project was funded through a grant awarded to the Amnicon-Dowling Lake Management district in early 2019. The survey can be found below.

Dowling Lake Septic Survey

Lake Planning Grant – Dowling Lake

In early 2019, The Amnicon/ Dowling Lake Management District applied for and received a Lake Planning Grant to begin planning a water quality improvement project on Dowling Lake. The grant application and associated documents can be found below:

8700-284_Dowling Online Grant Aplication

2019_Dowling_ LPL Grant Aplication_Supporting Materials

2019ADLMD LPL Grant Application Narrative

LPL Grant Approval Letter


An aquatic plant harvesting program was implemented on Lake Amnicon in the summer of 2018. A map of the areas harvested and the approved permit can be found below.

AMNIC_Harvesting Map

Amnicon 2018 Aquatic Plant Harvesting Permit


Aquatic Plant Management Plan

Below are the most recent documents pertaining to the ongoing management of Amnicon and Dowling Lakes. This includes the most recent management plans, proposed management action plans, and the permits necessary for those management actions.

Amnicon-Dowling Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2017

Amnicon-Dowling APM Plan_Goals-Objectives-Actions


Aquatic Plant Surveys – ERS